But love does not sustain itself naturally.

#Andy stanley 10 commandment how to
Do any of these traits come naturally? Granted, we know how to turn them all on when we’re winning and wooing. Thus it is possible for a church to become very efficient at doing ministry ineffectively.”ģ41. Instead they post some general statistics that give them a vague sense of progress or failure as a church, and they go through the motions of continuing to do ministry the way they always have, productive or not. Most churches do not have a reliable system for defining and measuring what success looks like at every level of the organization. That sign has been hanging there for at least thirty years, but I’m not sure it truly communicates whether or not the church is actually winning. Or during some weeks, Things are getting worse. I can remember, as a kid, looking up at the numbers and thinking, Things are getting better. There is a column for “Last Week” and a column for “This Week.” Every Sunday you can check out how things are progressing in three areas: attendance, the number of visitors, and total offerings. The sign has slats that display numbers announcing the church’s critical statistics. It still hangs on the left wall behind the pulpit. “There’s an old wooden sign in the church my dad grew up in. THE NEXT GENERATION CHALLENGE What defines success for you in your current employment situation? Is there alignment between your core competencies and those competencies necessary to succeed in your job? What would change about your current job description if you were given the freedom to focus on the two or three things you do best? What would need to change in your current employment situation in order for you to focus on the things that add the most value to your organization? Take some time to complete the exercises described on this page through this page.”Ģ68. Remember: Great leaders know when to follow. Somebody is dying to pick up the ball you drop. Empower the leaders around you by delegating those responsibilities that fall outside your zone. Narrow your focus to increase your productivity and expand your influence within your organization. Embrace this truth: The less you do, the more you will accomplish. Don’t allow your time to get eaten up with responsibilities and projects that call for skills that fall outside your core competencies. Once you know, find a work environment that allows you to focus your energies on the few things you were created to do well. Do whatever it takes to discover what they are. “SECTION SUMMARY TO BE AN EFFECTIVE LEADER … Recognize that you have limited strengths.